本公司成立於1972年 , 為亞洲最早包裝紙及彩帶及各類禮品包裝之現代化工廠。現在人員700餘人,分佈於台灣及中國大陸。
現有各式精密加工機械300餘台。本公司本著服務客戶的精神。所有加工全在廠內完成。為亞洲少數一貫作業生產之廠商,我們熱忱歡迎廣大中外客戶來電指教,本公司將用最快速、及最優惠的價格來服務新舊客戶。 |
LANEE ART CO., LTD has founded in 1972. We are the earliest, biggest and best manufacturer and leading modern of packing paper, colored ribbon and all kind of present packing in Asia. With more than 30-year's experience in this trade, we have developed the expertise in all related markets, including semi-products and final products with many kinds of processing, manufacturing and selling. Today LANEE ART CO., Ltd has hundreds employees and owns more than three hundred precision machinery with factories located in Taiwan and Mainland China. We complete all the processes within the factories by our own. The attitude of consistent work production makes LANEE stands in the leading position among the industry. We are more than welcome with advices and suggestions from clients; we will do our best of speed up process, reasonable price with best quality to service you.